Pocket Classics Army: Miniature military vehicle is small, sturdy and fun

The car is about quarter size and comes as a bit of kit, although it's child's play to put it together

Graham Scott,Pistonheads
Wednesday 30 March 2016 17:24 BST
The Pocket Classics Army is a a fun-sized vehicle for the child in you or the child in your family
The Pocket Classics Army is a a fun-sized vehicle for the child in you or the child in your family

This vehicle is known as the Pocket Classics Army. There are at least three reasons for this. The first, is that it’s built by Pocket Classics, the second is that it is indeed very far from full size and the third is that if you use the name of this vehicle, the name you’re now thinking of, then nasty lawyer letters start flying.

So what is it exactly? It’s a fun-sized vehicle for the child in you or the child in your family. It’s about quarter size and is remarkably sturdy. It also has all the kit you’d really want.

There’s a 150cc four-stroke engine, running through a three-speed semi-auto box just for a start. And there’s an electric starter motor too. Then there are the hydraulic disc brakes, with two at the front and one on the solid rear axle, which is driven by chain.

If you buy it as a kit then the car costs £4995
If you buy it as a kit then the car costs £4995

It comes as a bit of a kit, although it’s relatively child’s play to put it together. When it’s done you have a tough little military vehicle that goes and stops pretty convincingly – there are even headlights and indicators to keep it looking right. Although that doesn’t extend as far as making this Pocket Classic legal for the road.

If you buy it as a kit then it costs £4995 and if you want it already built then add £1000 to that. That seems like pretty good value for what should deliver some long-term fun, with rugged build and cheeky looks. Much like the original… jeepers, that was close.

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